Ways to Give
Join us in helping maintain and preserve the historic Union Club of Boston located at No. Seven and No. Eight Park Street
Join us in helping maintain and preserve the historic Union Club of Boston located at No. Seven and No. Eight Park Street
Preserving Our Legacy
With your support, we can accomplish our goal of preserving the architectural and historic treasure which is Seven and Eight Park Street—the home of the Union Club of Boston.
Many supporters choose to contribute on a monthly or annual basis. These are unrestricted gifts which enable the Board of Directors to deploy funds where they are needed most.
The Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation is a Public Charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and gifts may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All contributors in 2024 and thereafter will be presented, and entitled to wear, a handsome recognition pin with a gold or white border, and will be recognized at Foundation events. Accepted forms of contribution are listed below:
All contributors may submit a check made payable to the Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation, Inc. by mailing it to the Union Club of Boston.
Gifts may also be made by an in-person credit card payment. A brief submission form for this purpose is available at the Front Desk of the Union Club.
Contributors who are also members of the Union Club may contact the Comptroller of the Club and ask that their gift be billed to their UC Member Account.
You may make a gift electronically on this website (by credit card or using PayPal) by using our online contribution form.
You can help support our historic preservation work by including the Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation in your estate plan. Read more below.
The donation of stock or securities-in-kind can offer attractive income tax benefits, including relief from capital gains tax liability. Read more below.
Foundation funds can be used for the historic preservation of our building, including but not limited to, the architectural façade, supporting structures, electrical, mechanical and vertical transportation systems.
By making expenditures for these purposes, the Foundation can provide funds beyond those assessed and set aside for annual capital.
Contributions may be designated towards our Adopt-a-Window program, which many individuals and groups choose to do, often to recognize a person(s) or a family. Once the window has been restored, a brass plaque may be applied with an inscription chosen by the contributor(s).
Windows in the Paine Room and the Ballroom are currently available.
You can help support our historic preservation work by including the Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation in your estate plan. Typically this may include gifting a percentage of your estate, or a specific asset; naming the Foundation as beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plan, or by making a bequest in your last will and testament.
Many donors find it advantageous to make gifts to The Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation, Inc. in the form of stock or securities-in-kind. The donation of stock or securities-in-kind can offer attractive income tax benefits, including relief from capital gains tax liability. The donor should consult his or her financial advisor for specific information about tax implications.
Because stock or securities-in-kind transferred into our account arrives without identification of the donating party, we ask that you please call or e-mail The Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation, Inc. to inform us of your intention to make a gift of stock or securities-in-kind. Please share the name and the approximate amount of the stock or securities-in-kind to be transferred. All calls regarding stock or securities-in-kind should be directed to President Paul Henry at [email protected].
According to IRS regulations, the date of your gift corresponds to the date that the stock or securities-in-kind arrives in our possession (for transfers from brokerage account to brokerage account). The Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation, Inc. will acknowledge the value of stock or securities-in-kind gifts as the mean market value of the stock or security on the date of transfer. The following information is necessary to transfer stock or securities-in-kind into our account:
Securities should be transferred by DTC to:
Brokerage Account | The Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation, Inc. |
Fidelity DTC | 0226 |
Account Number | Z69093521 |
You may authorize your bank or brokerage firm to sell stock or securities-in-kind and remit the proceeds to The Seven and Eight Park Street Foundation, Inc. Please note that this action may be classified as a taxable event, and you should consult your tax advisor before taking this action. If you have any questions, please contact President Paul Henry at [email protected].
Foundation funds can be used for the historic preservation of our building, including but not limited to, the architectural façade, supporting structures, electrical, mechanical and vertical transportation systems.
By making expenditures for these purposes, the Foundation can provide funds beyond those assessed and set aside for annual capital. Learn more on the Ways to Give page.
The Foundation President, Paul S. Henry, is happy to take your questions by phone, in-person or by email. You can contact Paul at: [email protected], or you may connect with any of our other officers or directors.
A complete history of your giving to the Foundation can be obtained by contacting the Foundation Treasurer at [email protected] – your cumulative contributions over the years determine your eligibility for membership in each of our Cornerstone societies.
Recognizing Our Contributors
It is our privilege to recognize all the Union Club members, their families and friends, and the public, who make contributions to the Foundation. Learn more about our Cornerstone Program.